The freedom to shape your child’s academic experience

The freedom to instill your morals and values

The freedom and flexibility to define your own schedule

The freedom to enjoy your family

African American Family Parents and Children Cycling

In contrast to the dangers public education is facing, homeschooled families have more time to spend together and develop stronger bonds. And this has a huge impact socially and academically. They do better on the ACT and SAT. They have higher graduation rates in high school and college. Homeschoolers are more likely to stay in college for all 4 years, to get a job when they graduate, and even to be happier in life beyond academics.

What do you as a parent gain? Peace of mind knowing that your child is safe and learning the values that matter most to you. Freedom from worry and fear that your child isn’t going to be prepared for life beyond high school. Joy in watching your child grow and excel each and every day. And more precious time with the most important people in your life.

Educating your child at home has a lot of benefits and advantages. And they’re all centered around the freedom that taking back control of your child’s education brings. 

1. The freedom to shape your child’s academic experience.

Rather than being stuck in a grade based on his age, with homeschooling you can determine the appropriate academic level that will mean success for your child—for each subject! Because you get to choose the curriculum that best fits your child’s learning style and needs, your child is more likely to enjoy learning and excel. And, when your child is ready to move forward or needs a bit more time in one area, you have the freedom to operate on your own schedule, to do what is best for them. Because they are the sole focus and, with homeschooling, you get to tailor their academic journey to them. And, don’t worry if you’re not a trained teacher. Having a homeschool partner means you can focus on what matters—enjoying your children and watching them shine. If you have a struggling learner who may have a learning disability, homeschooling can provide hope and triumph. Because tailoring learning to your child’s needs and focusing on their strengths gives confidence. And confidence fuels a desire to overcome any obstacle. Learn more about hope for struggling learners here.

2. The freedom to instill your morals and values.

In a world where religious freedom is attacked from all sides, parents are choosing to take back their rights and invest time into the character and beliefs of their children. And, with Common Core Standards citing exactly what students must learn with little flexibility, parents have less control than ever.
When you choose to education your child at home you choose to get back into the driver’s seat of their education. And this doesn’t just impact location. Homeschooling gives you the ability to stay true to your convictions and to pass those convictions onto your children. Because they are your legacy.

3. The freedom and flexibility to define your own schedule.

Many homeschooling families are families on the move. They go on vacation whenever they want, because school goes where they go. They school in the morning or at night, whatever works best for each child. And they take breaks when their children need them, not when a school board decides they shouldn’t be at school. And homeschooling families have kids who are involved in sports, drama, dance, etc., all throughout the day. Because they can. One of the advantages of homeschooling is that it allows a family to remain a family and to maintain academic excellence while being active. Ultimately, the decision of how you live your life, run your day, and do school is in your hands, exactly where it should be.

4. The freedom to enjoy your family.

Homeschooling means more time as a family. It means more science experiments and nature walks. It means family vacation whenever you feel the itch. It means reading together and making pancakes during math class. When the pressure to get up and out is gone, families find they can enjoy each other and take the time to build bonds and grow friendships within their family unit. This is the kind of freedom you’ll find with homeschooling. Before you know it your child will be in their cap and gown. That’s why it’s so important to soak in as much time as a family, to strengthen the trust and unity you have, while you still can. Time goes fast and we can’t turn back the clock.  But, with homeschooling, you can slow it down.

 Ready to find out how your family can begin enjoying these benefits? Request a homeschooling information pack, no strings attached.


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