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If you’re considering homeschooling for the first time, you’re not alone. Homeschooling is on the rise and has become a viable choice in alternative education.  Because when your child becomes the center of their education, they reach new heights. Because when you remove obstacles to learning, like large class sizes, teaching to the test, and bullying, learning becomes easier and even fun again. Because sending your child away for 8 hours a day means less family time and more worldly influence. And because you know them best so you should be the ones making the big decisions about their education.

Check out this Why Homeschool infographic to find out just how current public schools are doing as compared to homeschooled students. The results might surprise you!


Homeschooling may be right for you if you find yourself saying “yes” to the reasons below.

1. You want more family time and are tired of sending your child away for most of the day. Homeschooling gives you the opportunity to create stronger bonds and spend more time as a family. Nothing creates togetherness and memories like learning experienced as a family! With homeschooling your child gets to spend more time exploring what they are interested in and creatively expressing themselves and you get to share in the joy that follows! And, chances are you’ll still be able to access the extra-curricular activities you love like sports, music, and school events while homeschooling. Homeschooling means more, not less.

2. Your current school is not meeting your child’s needs. Spending 8 hours a day in a group learning environment is just not ideal for many students. And, as a result, your child can fall behind or become bored. For some parents, homeschooling means providing that extra help that their struggling student needs in order to succeed.  For others, homeschooling becomes the only place where their advanced children can excel.  Homeschooling gives you the freedom to cater to your child’s specific needs. And this can make all of the difference if you have a child who struggles or has a learning disability. Find out more about how homeschooling is helping students around the world overcome learning struggles hereFrustrated-Student-boy

3. You want more control of what your child learns and is exposed to. Let’s face it, when we put our child in a traditional school, we are giving up much of our control over what they learn, what curriculum they’re exposed to, even who they interact with. And, with the restrictions placed on schools due to standardized testing, Common Core Standards and school ratings, teachers are losing the freedom to cater education to the needs of their students.  And many parents are taking note and realizing that the only way to have input into their child’s education is to take back control through homeschooling.

4. You want alternative education but can’t afford private schools in your area. Private education is often a huge financial commitment, and it doesn’t stop with tuition. School lunches, uniforms, school supplies, fundraisers, and more. It’s hard to imagine how you’re going to be able to save for college when private school tuition is draining your wallet right now! Homeschooling with a partner is an affordable way to remain in control of your child’s education.

5. Your child needs more time to pursue gifts outside of academics. From elite athletes to star performers to amazing artists, our children’s passions and gifts often fall outside of academics. And putting your exceptional child in a traditional school can limit their opportunites to live out their dreams. Homeschooling gives you the ability to fine tune your child’s gifts while still excelling at academics on your schedule.

6. You’re concerned about Common Core Standards and current issues plaguing public schools like violence. Our children face risks daily that we didn’t have to worry about when we were children. Mass shootings, cyberbullying, standardized testing that reshapes learning, and more. And, as a result our children are more scared, confused, and frustrated than ever. Homeschooling gives you the ability to remove the fear and anxiety and stay firmly in control of your child’s experiences, protecting them and their future.

7. Your child is struggling academically or socially. Group learning is great for some, but for many students it leaves them with gaps and struggles. School funding is tied to standardized test scores and class sizes are at an all-time high. The results are showing as we steadily fall in world educational rankings and as our dropout rate climbs. And the impact on our children is clear: low self-esteem, boredom, higher rates of violence and more. Moreover, over 57% of public school students are not prepared for college and 1 in 3 children is bullied each day. Our kids deserve more and are counting on us to put their needs first. Homeschooling provides the confidence struggling students need to overcome their academic and social hurdles. Find out more about how homeschooling allows struggling learners to dream again.

If you want your child to love learning, to have an academic experience built around their needs and strengths, to reach their full potential, to have time to reach beyond the classroom and connect to world through service and their unique talents, then it’s time to homeschool. Request a free homeschooling infopack. 


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